Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bryson's prayer for Izzy

So it has been a couple days, but after I told Bryson about Izzy that night he said a prayer for her.  It was so cute, so innocent, and so genuine I just had to share it with you.  I hope my memory holds up for this because I hope to do this word for word - I really should've went right downstairs and wrote it down, but...you know how that goes.  Maybe as you read it you can offer this same prayer for her.

"Dear Jesus, Please help Izzy with the cancer.  Tell her all the things she can still do with one leg.  Help her to be fine.  Amen." 

I think my favorite part is "Tell her."  I love the childlike faith - oh that we would all have more of that.  Of course Jesus can tell her in ways that we cannot imagine.

1 comment:

amy said...

Oh my ...God is so merciful and beautiful. "...and a little child shall lead them..." is the verse that often comes to mind during these times. Thank you, Bryson for that lovely prayer!!

Izzy speaks of Bryson often; she is aware of his story and has said prayers for him, too. We are thankful that you share his story in this public way, as the photos of his new leg (and all the activities he participates in! ) have been very inspiring for Izzy over the last few days.

She is doing well overall, but dealing with a lot of pain today -- she has the highest dose of pain meds available to her, but still not getting much rest.

As always, our family thanks you for the prayers and sharing Izzy with your prayerful readers.